Mama said there’d be days like this

My throat hurts

I’m not sick

I’m just sick of staying silent

let this animal of thought and sound escape from my throat into to the night like a caped crusader that’s willing to fight for what’s right even if they have to die to save the city

Where are the superheroes now?

I guess I’m not in New York so I’m less likely to see them but I’m going to move there soon and I want my chance to see a real power fly over buildings over people over expectations over the doubt that their power is false. When I turn off the power at night you can hear different silences echoing throughout my house. The silence of the pipes still settling for 20 years and the silence of a breath left lips to mark the start of a dream. There’s the silence of electric clocks and rotary phones and the silence of a outside world that imitates another plant. There’s a final silence, not the last silence, but a silence of power trying to escape and becoming a lump in a throat because this is all moving a little too fast a little too much is going on I’m not to the part of the movie when I get the ability to defend the world it’s already lost from friendly fire it’s starting to burn my throat still burns

Mama said there’d be days like this when the hero’s fall and the adults stop trying and the unfamiliar silence of the night is the only thing we hear

there’s no one here

why is no one here?

can no one hear?

Of course no one can hear there’s too much fighting this super hero movie won’t end it’s one more sacrifice it’s one more fire running around my body it touches my throat and burns I promise I’m not sick I’m just sick of seeing hero’s fall with no replacement

There’s no replacement for silence

Mama said there would be days when people stop fighting

I’m not done fighting

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